The String Quartets of George Onslow
A Book by Raymond Silvertrust
Editor of The Chamber Music Journal
a contest were held to determine which unknown or little-known chamber music
composer was the most deserving of great recognition, few would argue that there is any composer more
deserving than George Onslow (1784-1853). During his lifetime, Onslow was held in the highest regard in
Germany, Austria and England, if not France. No less a discerning critic than
Robert Schumann ranked Onslow’s chamber music with that of Mozart, Beethoven,
and Mendelssohn. Long forgotten, happily his music is being rediscovered, recorded, republished
and performed again to the delight of listeners and players everywhere.
detailed study of Onslow's quartets has never appeared in any language. Now a
book in English about these stellar works is available. Though primarily a
discussion of the quartets, the book presents all of the relevant details of
Onslow's life and answers the question of how such great music could have fallen
into oblivion for so long a time. Full of important musical examples and
photographs, this book will be of interest to chamber music lovers everywhere
and indispensable to performers. Make no mistake, this is not a dry as dust work by a
musicologist who has merely looked at the printed page. The author writes from
great experience having played each of the quartets many times. You may view it and download it for free.
Click Here to View and Download
Hard copy is available. Not a fancy hardback or commercial paperback, it is printed on 8˝ by 11 inch paper and loose-leaf bound. Price: $10.00 To purchase CLICK HERE